Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
Census of SA Plants, Algae & Fungi
Identification tools
Census of South Australian Plants
State Herbarium of South Australia

Names in the Census are linked to eFlora Fact Sheets. The Fact Sheet output comprises:
  • synonyms, regional and overseas distribution
  • textual information and illustrations from the 4th edition of the FLORA OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA (1986), the 2nd edition of ACACIAS OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA (1992)
    and the 6 volume MARINE BENTHIC FLORA OF SOUTHERN AUSTRALIA (1984-2003); information from these books may be partly out-of-date.
  • current thumbnail distribution maps based on the existing collections in the State Herbarium of South Australia (Infraspecific taxa are not available at this time).
Work on a new, 5th edition of the FLORA OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA is currently on the way, with several chapters already published online.
New and up-dated treatments will be released regularly. Information from this new edition will be incorporated into the eFloraSA fact sheets in the near future.

List of current names and synonyms for the search term
Final data modification on:
Saturday 27 July 2024 2:45 AM
Web page created on:
Saturday 27 July 2024 11:00 PM



   Amyema fitzgeraldii (Blakely) Danser  NW  map

– Loranthus fitzgeraldii Blakely

   Amyema gibberula (Tate) Danser var. gibberula  NW  LE  NU  GT  map

– Amyema gibberulosa Tiegh., orth.var.

– Amyema gibberulum (Tate) Danser: Barlow in Jessop & Toelken(1986), orth.var. var. gibberulum

– Loranthus gibberulosus Tiegh., orth.var.

– Loranthus gibberulus Tate

   Amyema hilliana (Blakely) Danser  NW  map

– Amyema hillianum (Blakely) Danser: Barlow in Jessop & Toelken(1986), orth.var.

– Loranthus hillianus Blakely

   Amyema linophylla (Fenzl) Tiegh. ssp. orientalis Barlow  FR  EA  EP  MU  SE  map

– Amyema linophylla (Fenzl) Tiegh., partly

– Amyema linophylla (Fenzl) Tiegh. ssp. orientale Barlow, orth. var.: SA Census online(18/10/2004 -31/05/2012)

– Amyema linophyllum (Fenzl) Tiegh.: Barlow in Jessop & Toelken(1986), orth.var ssp. orientale Barlow

– Loranthus gibberulus auct.non Tate: J.M.Black, partly

– Loranthus linophyllus Fenzl, partly

   Amyema maidenii (Blakely) Barlow ssp. maidenii  NW  LE  NU  GT  FR  EA  EP  map

– Diplatia maidenii (Blakely) Danser

– Loranthus maidenii Blakely

– Loranthus quandang auct.non Lindl.: Tate(1890), partly

   Amyema melaleucae (Lehm.ex Miq.) Tiegh.  NU  FR  EP  NL  MU  YP  SL  KI  SE  map

– Amyema leschenaultii Tiegh.

– Loranthus melaleucae Lehm. ex Miq.

– Loranthus miraculosus Miq. var. melaleucae (Miq.) Blakely

– Loranthus pendulus Sieber ex Spreng. var. melaleucae (Miq.) Tate

– Loranthus pendulus Sieber ex Spreng. var. parviflorus Benth., partly

   Amyema miquelii (Lehm.ex Miq.) Tiegh.  NW  LE  NU  GT  FR  EA  EP  NL  MU  YP  SL  SE  map

– Amyema aurantiaca (A.Cunn. ex Hook.) Tiegh.

– Loranthus aurantiacus A.Cunn. ex Hook.

– Loranthus miquelii Lehm. ex Miq.

   Amyema miraculosa (Miq.) Tiegh. ssp. boormanii (Blakely) Barlow  NW  LE  NU  GT  FR  EA  EP  NL  MU  YP  SE  map

– Amyema miraculosa (Miq.) Tiegh., partly

– Amyema miraculosa (Miq.) Tiegh. var. boormanii (Blakely) H.Eichler

– Amyema miraculosum (Miq.) Tiegh.: Barlow in Jessop & Toelken(1986), orth.var. ssp. boormanii (Blakely) Barlow

– Loranthus bifurcatus Benth. var. queenslandicus Domin

– Loranthus miraculosus Miq., partly

– Loranthus miraculosus Miq. var. boormanii Blakely

– Loranthus miraculosus Miq. var. pubiger Blakely

– Loranthus pendulus Sieber ex Spreng. var. parviflorus Benth., partly

   Amyema pendula (Sieber ex Spreng.) Tiegh. ssp. pendula  MU  SL  SE  map

– Amyema pendulum (Sieber ex Spreng.) Tiegh.: Barlow in Jessop & Toelken(1986), orth.var. ssp. pendulum

– Dendrophthoe pendula (Sieber ex Spreng.) Mart.

– Loranthus pendulus Sieber ex Spreng.

   Amyema preissii (Miq.) Tiegh.  NW  LE  NU  GT  FR  EA  EP  NL  MU  YP  SL  SE  map

– Amyema scoparia (Miq.) Tiegh.

– Loranthus linophyllus Fenzl var. preissii (Miq.) Ostenf.

– Loranthus preissii Miq.

– Loranthus scoparius Miq.

   Amyema quandang (Lindl.) Tiegh. var. quandang  LE  NU  GT  EP  map

– Amyema cana (F.Muell.) Tiegh.

– Amyema nutans (A.Cunn. ex Hook.) Tiegh.

– Amyema pruinosa (A.Cunn. ex Ettingsh.) Tiegh.

– Dendrophthoe pruinosa (A.Cunn. ex Ettingsh.) Ettingsh.

– Loranthus canus F.Muell.

– Loranthus cunninghamii A.Gray

– Loranthus nutans A.Cunn. ex Hook.

– Loranthus pendulus Sieber ex Spreng. var. canescens F.Muell. & Tate

– Loranthus pruinosus A.Cunn. ex Ettingsh.

– Loranthus quandang Lindl.

   Amyema sanguinea (F.Muell.) Danser var. sanguinea  NW  map

– Amyema sanguineum (F.Muell.) Danser: Barlow in Jessop & Toelken(1986), orth.var.

– Amyema spathulata (O.Schwarz) Danser

– Loranthus sanguineus F.Muell.

– Loranthus spathulatus O.Schwarz

– Pilostigma sanguineum (F.Muell.) Tiegh.


   Diplatia grandibractea (F.Muell.) Tiegh.  LE  map

– Loranthus grandibracteus F.Muell.


   Lysiana exocarpi (Behr) Tiegh. ssp. exocarpi  NW  LE  NU  GT  FR  EA  EP  NL  MU  YP  SL  SE  map

– Dendrophthoe angustifolia (R.Br. ex Benth.) Tiegh.

– Elytranthe exocarpi (Behr) Engl.

– Loranthus angustifolius R.Br. ex Benth.

– Loranthus diamantinensis J.M.Black

– Loranthus exocarpi Behr

– Loranthus exocarpi (Behr) Tiegh. var. flavescens F.Muell. ex Miq.

– Lysiana exocarpi (Behr) Tiegh. ssp. diamantinensis (J.M.Black) Barlow

– Lysiana subfalcata auct.non (Hook.) Barlow: Barker et. al.(2005), as to NW, partly

   Lysiana murrayi (F.Muell. & Tate) Tiegh.  NW  LE  NU  GT  ?FR  EP  map

– Elytranthe murrayi (F.Muell. & Tate) Engl.

– Loranthus miniatus S.Moore

– Loranthus murrayi F.Muell. & Tate

– Loranthus murrayi F.Muell. & Tate var. parviflora S.Moore

   Lysiana subfalcata (Hook.) Barlow  LE  map

– Loranthus exocarpi (Behr) Tiegh. var. subfalcatus (Hook.) Domin

– Loranthus exocarpi (Behr) Tiegh. var. venulosa Blakely

– Loranthus subfalcatus Hook.


   Muellerina eucalyptoides (DC.) Barlow  SE  map

– Dendrophthoe eucalyptoides (DC.) Ettingsh.

– Loranthus celastroides auct.non Sieber ex Schult. & Schult.f.: Tate(1890)

– Loranthus celastroides Sieber ex Schult. & Schult.f. var. eucalyptifolius (Sieber ex Schult. & Schult.f.) Domin

– Loranthus eucalyptifolius Sieber ex Schult. & Schult.f., nom.illeg.

– Loranthus eucalyptoides DC.

– Muellerina eucalyptifolia (Sieber ex Schult. & Schult.f.) Tiegh., nom.illeg.

– Phrygilanthus eucalyptifolius (Sieber ex Schult. & Schult.f.) Engler, nom.illeg.

– Phrygilanthus eucalyptoides (DC.) Danser