Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia species Fact Sheet

Family: Goodeniaceae
Goodenia brunnea

Synonymy: G. grandiflora sensu J. Black, Fl. S. Aust. 822 (1957), non Sims.

Common name: None

Shrub or undershrub to 80 cm high; stems erect to ascending, ridged when young, viscid-glandular, sparsely pubescent; leaves lanceolate, on petioles 1-3 cm long, acute, 3-6 cm long, 1-2 cm wide, dentate to serrulate, viscid-glandular, subglabrous.

Flowers in leafy terminal racemes or thyrses; bracts similar to leaves but smaller and narrower; bracteoles lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, 2-3 mm long, viscid; peduncle 5-10 mm long, articulate immediately below the ovary; sepals lanceolate, 4-5 mm long, viscid-glandular, adnate to the ovary almost to its apex; corolla to 20 mm long, yellow, pubescent with glandular and non-glandular hairs outside, bearded inside, with a prominent pocket up to half the length of the ovary; wings subequal, dentate; auricles small; anthers 3-4 mm long; style 12-13 mm long, geniculate, villous; indusium depressed-obovate, c. 2.5 mm long, c. 4 mm wide, glabrous, with an almost straight orifice beset with white bristles; ovary pubescent, shortly beaked; dissepiment to three-quarters as long as the ovary; capsule ovoid, c. 10 mm long, c. 5 mm wide, glandular-viscid; valves sometimes split; seeds flat, elliptic-oblong, c. 3 mm long, colliculate, dark- brown, with a distinct rim and a very narrow wing.

Distribution:  On rocky slopes and watercourses.

S.Aust.: NW.

Conservation status: native

Flowering time: June — Sept.

SA Distribution Map based
on current data relating to
specimens held in the
State Herbarium of South Australia

Biology: No text

Taxonomic notes: Separated from G. albiflora by the yellow corolla and the glandular leaves. Goodenia brunnea Carolin, sp.nov. Plantae erectae vel ascendentes suffruticosae glandulosae viscidae usque 80 cm altae. Folia lanceolata 3-6 cm longa, 10-20 mm lata dentara lyrata ad basin obtusa vel acuta perioils distinctis usque 30 cm longis. Flores in racemis vel thyrsis foliosis dispositi pedunculis obsoletis bracteolatis et pedicellis articulatis. Corolla flava ad 20 cm longa extus pilis glandulosis simplicibus ohsira et intus pills simplicibus longis seriebusque ennatiarum: lobi superiores non auriculati. Dissepimentum longitudine 1/2 and 3/4 loculi partes aequans ovulis 40 instructurn. Styla villosa, lndusium depresse obovatum 2.5 mm longum 4 mm latum. Fructum ovoideum duabus valvis dehiscens. Semina plana ellipticoobovata 3 mm 1onga 7 mm lata brunnea ala angusta. Holotype: 1 mile east of Mount Woodroffe, R. Hill & 25R.N. Lothian 711, 30.vi.1958 (AD 95907120); Isotypes: AAU, TI. The specific epithet refers to the dark-brown seeds.

Author: Not yet available

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