Family: Poaceae
L., Mant. Alt. 163 (1771).
Synonymy: Not Applicable Common name: None
Perennials, usually with creeping stems; the plants male or bisexual; leaf blades concave or convolute, the sheaths broad and loose; ligule of hairs.
Inflorescence of spikes in a head, subtended by large spathelike bracts; spikelets sessile; the male spikelets with 2 glumes and 2 fertile lemmas, the narrow rhachis of the spike extended upwards as a scabrous awn or bristle 2-4 cm long; bisexual spikelets solitary near the base of a long bristle-like rhachis, a number of which are united at the base to form a large globular umbel or head, glumes 2, first lemma with a male or imperfect floret and above it the second (fertile) lemma and palea hardened round the grain.
3 species from Asia and Australia. (Craig (1984) Nuytsia 5:67-74.)
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