Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia genus Fact Sheet

Family: Amaranthaceae

Citation: Ulbr., Natürl. Pflanzenfam. edn 2, 16c:495 (1934).

Derivation: Greek sklêros, hard; Blitum, a synonym of Chenopodium.

Synonymy: Not Applicable

Common name: None

Slightly succulent sparsely mealy herb with numerous simple stems arising from the rootstock; leaves alternate, simple, flat, the basal ones forming a rosette.

Flowers in compact clusters in the axils of basal and cauline leaves; terminal flower bisexual, the others female; perianth-segments 4, free; stamen 0 or 1.

Pericarp thick and hard; seed erect; embryo around the apex of the seed; perisperm copious, central.

Distribution:  1 species endemic to Australia. (P. G. Wilson (1983) Nuytsia 4:197-199.)

Biology: In this genus the pericarp is thick and hard while the testa is thin, a situation different from that found in Chenopodium and Dysphania.

Author: Not yet available

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