Family: Amaranthaceae
F. Muell., J. Trans. Vict. Inst. 2:77 (1858).
Derivation: Greek osteon, bone; karpos, fruit; alluding to the hard fruiting perianth.
Synonymy: Not Applicable Common name: None
Erect perennial herbs branching from the base, usually glabrous except for axillary pubescence; leaves alternate, succulent, subterete to clavate, 6-10 mm long.
Flowers bisexual, solitary, axillary, glabrous apart from the ciliate margin to the lobes; perianth tube somewhat fleshy; upper perianth membranous, 5-lobed; stamens 5.
Fruiting perianth glabrous; tube woody, subglobular, straw-coloured when dry; limb hidden in the sunken apex of the tube; radicular (opposite the radicle) tubercle prominent, either bare or bearing an erect wing; inter-segment tubercles 0-4 or replaced by vertical wings; style short and hard, pubescent at the apex; seed horizontal, with a horizontal to ascending or erect radicle.
5 species endemic to temperate Australia.
No text
Key to Species:
1. Fruiting perianth stipitate on a hollow base or, if sessile, then with 5 erect wings |
2. Vertical wings absent; radicular tubercle prominent; inter-segment tubercle 0 or 1 |
O. acropterum 1. |
2. Vertical wings present |
4. Vertical wings 1 or 2, obovate, not extending downward along the tube |
O. acropterum 1. |
4. Vertical wings 2 or 3, semicircular |
O. dipterocarpum 2. |
O. pentapterum 3. |
1. Fruiting perianth subglobular, sessile or almost so, without wings |
O. salsuginosum 4. |
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