Family: Amaranthaceae
R. Anderson, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. 51:382 (1926).
Derivation: Greek malakos, soft; keras, horn.
Synonymy: Not Applicable Common name: None
Annual or perennial herbs or small shrubs with woolly branches; leaves alternate, linear or subterete.
Flowers axillary, solitary or paired, bisexual; perianth small, globose, woolly, 5-lobed; stamens 5; stigmas 2 or 3.
Fruiting perianth depressed, not woody, with 3-5 processes arising from the segments forming a Y, inverted Y or star-shaped configuration; processes flattened or subcylindrical, woolly, attached along the length of the perianth tube; radicular (opposite the radicle) slit prominent; pericarp membranous; seed horizontal; radicle centrifugal; perisperm abundant, central.
An Australian endemic genus of 4 species found in arid areas of southern Australia.
No text
Taxonomic notes:
This account of the genus is taken from the revision by R. J. Chinnock (1980) J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 2:139-149.
Key to Species:
1. Flowers paired in the leaf axils |
2. Processes subterete, over 2 mm long |
M. albolanata 1. |
2. Processes narrow-triangular, flattened, c. 1.5 mm long |
M. biflora 2. |
1. Flowers solitary in the leaf axils |
3. Stems weak; leaves appressed; 3 major processes forming an inverted Y configuration |
M. gracilis 3. |
3. Stems robust; leaves spreading; 3 (rarely 4) processes forming a Y configuration |
M. tricornis 4. |
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