Family: Iridaceae
L., Sp. Pl. 36 (1753).
Derivation: Latin gladiolus, the name of some local species of the genus in Roman times; from gladiolus, a small sword; referring to the sword-shaped leaves.
Synonymy: Not Applicable Common name: Gladioli.
Deciduous glabrous perennial herbs dormant in summer; corm annual, depressed-globose, with fibrous to papery tunics; leaves basal and near-basal, equitant, distichous, linear to sword-shaped.
Scape terete, robust, erect, unbranched, partly sheathed by leaves; spike distichous or one-sided, dense to loose; flowers sessile, zygomorphic, large, solitary in each spathe; bracts large, paired, keeled, rigidly herbaceous, the outer one longer than the inner; perianth tube funne-shaped, curved; lobes subequal to unequal, often contracted into claws at the base; stamens inserted on the tube, free, unilateral; anthers linear, slightly sagittate, versatile, included; style fillform with 3 short recurved entire cuneate branches.
Capsule ellipsoid to ovoid, leathery to papery; seeds numerous, flat, surrounded by an elliptical wing. (G. J. Lewis & A. A. Obermeyer (1972) Jl S. Afr. Bot. Suppl. 10.)
About 180 species in Africa, Madagascar, southern Europe and south-western Asia.
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Taxonomic notes:
Hybrids of the South African species are common in horticulture, and 9 species are naturalised in Australia.
Key to Species:
1. Basal leaf solitary, 2-4 mm wide, cross-shaped in section |
G. tristis 5. |
1. Basal leaves 2 or more, at least 8 mm wide, flat |
2. Perianth lobes long-acuminate with tapering undulate tips |
G. undulatus 6. |
2. Perianth lobes acute to subacute |
3. Perianth bilabiate, purple, the tube manifestly shorter than the lobes |
G. communis 3. |
3. Perianth not bilabiate, white to pink, the tube longer than or subequal to the lobes |
4. Perianth tube about twice as long as the lobes |
G. angustus 1. |
4. Perianth tube subequal to the lobes |
5. Spike straight, distichous |
G. carneus 2. |
5. Spike curved, one-sided |
G. floribundus 4. |
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