Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia genus Fact Sheet

Family: Asteraceae

Citation: Sonder & F. Muell. ex Sonder, Linnaea 25:488 (1853).

Derivation: Greek erion, wool; chlamys, cloak; referring to the woolly covering of the involucre.

Synonymy: Not Applicable

Common name: None

Small annual herb with cobwebby non-glandular hairs; stems terete, wiry; leaves cauline, sessile, entire, opposite at the first few internodes, alternate above.

Capitula small, sessile in dense globose terminal clusters without a conspicuous common involucre, homogamous, discoid; capitular involucres hemispherical; bracts in 2 equal series, the outer ones ovate, herbaceous, woolly, the inner ones scarious-hyaline; receptacle flat, naked; florets numerous, bisexual, fertile, tubular, 5-merous; corollas yellow, with a subcylindric woolly tube and large acute lobes; anthers tailed at the base with acute terminal appendages; style branches linear, truncate with apical tuffs of papillae.

Achenes compressed-obovoid, rugose-papillose; pappus absent.

Biology: No text

Taxonomic notes: Monotypic.

Author: Not yet available

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