Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia genus Fact Sheet

Family: Amaranthaceae

Citation: F. Muell., Trans. Vict. Inst. 2:75 (1858).

Derivation: Greek dissos, double; carpos, fruit; referring to the paired fruits of the type.

Synonymy: Not Applicable

Common name: None

Woolly perennials with a woody base; hairs simple; leaves alternate, linear to narrow-obovate, fleshy.

Flowers 2-many in a leaf axil, fused together and sessile, without individual bracts, bisexual; perianth cup-shaped, woolly or villous; lobes 5, erect; stamens 5; ovary glabrous; style slender.

Fruiting perianths woody, firmly united together in an axillary cluster and deciduous as a whole; spines present or absent, where present arising opposite the perianth lobes (or from the fused bases of the perianth); pericarp crustaceous above; seed horizontal, with an ascending radicle; perisperm central.

Distribution:  4 species endemic to Australia.

Biology: No text

Taxonomic notes: Flowering times are not provided; fruits can be found at all times of the year.

Key to Species:
1. Fruiting perianths 2 or 3 in axillary clusters, united by their bases; spines apparently absent
D. biflorus 1.
1. Fruiting perianths 8-16, forming a hard woolly ball; spines prominent
2. Perianth tube emergent from the woody ball-like infructescence; spines irregular, often flattened
D. fontinalis 2.
2. Perianth tube sunk into the woody infructescence; spines regularly 5, one opposite each perianth lobe
3. Leaves linear-terete
D. paradoxus 4.
3. Leaves narrow-obovate, flat
D. latifolius 3.

Author: Not yet available

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