Family: Poaceae
P. Beauv., Agrost. 80 ( 1812).
Derivation: Greek diploos, double; achne, a glume (lemma); the lemma is 2-lobed.
Synonymy: Not Applicable Common name: Beetle-grasses.
Usually tufted perennials; leaf blade flat or involute; ligule membranous, sometimes very small.
Inflorescence a panicle of long slender simple spike-like branches; spikelets dorsally compressed, cylindrical, subsessile, several-flowered, the uppermost flowers barren, the rhachilla disarticulating; glumes subequal, hyaline, l-nerved (keeled), persistent, obtuse or minutely notched, much shorter than the florets; lemmas membranous, rounded or flat on the back, closely imbricate, 3-nerved with the 2 lateral nerves near the margin, notched at the summit and with a short mucro rising between the lobes; palea rather broad, flat.
15 species from most of the world; 2 in Australia. (C. A. Gardner (1952) Flora of Western Australia 1; B. K. Simon (1982) Aust. Syst. Bot. Soc. Newsl. 32:10-12.)
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