Family: Iridaceae
K. Koch & C. Bouché, Index Sem. Hort. Berol. App. l0 (1854).
Derivation: Greek dierama, funnel; referring to the shape of the perianth.
Synonymy: Not Applicable Common name: None
Evergreen perennial herbs; corm depressed-globose with a fibrous tunic; leaves several, basal, linear, grass-like, fibrous; scape long, slender, arching, with branches subtended by small scarious bracts.
Spikes lax, pendulous, wiry; flowers sessile, solitary in each spathe, pendulous, actinomorphic; spathe bracts paired, scarious, subequal; perianth tube short, straight, funnel-shaped; lobes equal; stamens inserted on the tube, free, equilateral; filaments short; anthers included, linear, sagittate; style filiform with 3 short clavate branches.
Capsule globose, 3-lobed, papery; seeds few, globose, shiny.
About 20 species native to southern and eastern Africa.
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