Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia genus Fact Sheet

Family: Orchidaceae

Citation: R. Br., Prod. Fl. Nov. Holl. 317 (1810).

Derivation: Greek kryptos, hidden; stylos, the column.

Synonymy: Not Applicable

Common name: None

Terrestrial glabrous herbs with a tuberous rhizome; leaves few, radical, on rigid petioles, ovate to lanceolate; stems usually with 2 or 3 appressed bracts.

Flowers several in a terminal raceme, not resupinate, with a large reddish-brown, pink, or purple labellum; perianth-segments free, similar in shape, linear-lanceolate or subulate; labellum much more conspicuously developed and coloured than the petals and sepals, undivided, sessile, the base enclosing the column and more or less contracted above it, lamina broad or rather narrow-convex or concave; column wide and exceedingly short, the wings forming distinct auricles or produced posteriorly into a glandular or membranous process with toothed or fimbriate margins behind the anther; anther erect behind the stigma or incumbent over it, sessile, 2-celled, biconvex on the back, blunt or shortly acuminate at the apex; pollinia 4, an upper and a lower mass in each cell, lamellate, ovate, granular; the apices of each pair connected directly with the viscid disk of the rostellum without the intervention of a caudicle; stigma large and fleshy, its upper border produced into a somewhat triangular rostellum bearing a conspicuous viscid disk.

Distribution:  20 species, with 5 in Australia, one of these extending to New Zealand; others are reported from the Malay Archipelago, New Guinea, Taiwan, Philippines, New Caledonia, Fiji and Samoa.

Biology: No text

Author: Not yet available

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