Family: Poaceae
Sw., Prod. 1:25 (1788).
Synonymy: Not Applicable Common name: Windmill grasses.
Perennials or annuals, usually glabrous; leaf blade flat or folded; ligule membranous.
Inflorescence of spikes in an umbel or less often a raceme; spikelets with 1 bisexual floret, sessile or shortly pedicellate, arranged alternately in 2 rows on 1 side of the slender rhachis of the spikes, straw-coloured or verging to purple; glumes 2, unequal, narrow, l-nerved, keeled, persistent; fertile (lower) lemma laterally compressed, 3-nerved, the lateral nerves close to the margins, with a straight terminal or subterminal slender awn; above the bisexual floret are 1 or more stalked male or empty terminal lemmas, the stalk or stipes consisting of the rhachilla produced upwards behind the palea of the perfect floret; callus short, bearded.
About 40 species from warm and temperate areas. (Key adapted from Lazarides (1972) Aust. J. Bot. suppl, ser. 5).
No text
Key to Species:
1. Callus c. 2.5 mm long, pungent; imperfect florets usually 4 or 5; lemmas scarious, conspicuously expanded with wing-like margins, 5-7-nerved |
C. scariosa 3. |
1. Callus minute, obtuse; imperfect florets usually 1-3; lemmas membranous or cartilaginous, not expanded, usually 3-nerved |
2. Spikelets blunt at the apex; imperfect floret(s) obtuse or truncate, notched or obscurely lobed, usually inflated |
3. Lemma of fertile (lowest) floret ciliate or sparsely pubescent on the lower part of the margins |
4. Lemma of lowest floret ciliate on the upper part of the margins with hairs to 1 mm long; florets 3 or 4 |
C. gayana 1. |
4. Lemma of lower floret bearded on the upper part of the margins with hairs 2-3 mm long; florets 2 |
C. virgata 5. |
3. Lemma of fertile (lowest) floret glabrous on the lower part of the margins |
C. truncata 4. |
2. Spikelets narrowed at the apex; imperfect floret(s) acute or acuminate, deeply divided into 2 lobes, not inflated |
C. pectinata 2. |
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