Family: Amaryllidaceae
Calostemma purpureum
R. Br., Prod. Fl. Nov. Holl. 298 (1810).
Synonymy: Not Applicable Common name: Purple bells, Wilcannia lily.
Bulb globular, usually 2-4 cm diam., covered with thin brown tunics; leaves linear, developing to some length after the flowering and 4-8 mm broad.
Scape cylindrical, 14-50 cm high; flowers 8-20 in the umbel, usually reddishpurple, sometimes pink, on pedicels to 3 cm long, the whole perianth 15-18 mm long, of which the tube occupies up to half; bracts 3, purplish, striate, usually 2-3 cm long, about as long as the pedicels.
Capsule to 1 cm diam.
Published illustration:
Cunningham et al. (1982) Plants of western New South Wales, p. 190.
S.Aust.: FR, EA, EP, NL, MU, YP, SL. N.S.W.; Vic.
Conservation status:
Flowering time: usually Jan. — April.
SA Distribution Map based
on current data relating to
specimens held in the
State Herbarium of South Australia
Two specimens from the NW resemble this species in colour, but in size and shape of the flower resemble C. luteum.
Not yet available