Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia genus Fact Sheet

Family: Asparagaceae

Citation: R. Br., Prod. Fl. Nov. Holl. 276 (1810).

Derivation: Greek arthron, a joint; podion, a little foot; alluding to the jointed pedicels.

Synonymy: Dichopogon Kunth, Enum. Pl. 4:622 (1843).

Common name: Chocolate- (or vanilla-) lilies.

Leaves narrow, basal, grass-like.

Flowers in loose racemes on pedicels articulate above the middle; perianth of 6 free spreading segments, not twisted after flowering, 3-nerved along the centre, the inner ones broader, undulate on the edge and sometimes shortly fringed; stamens 6, the filaments densely bearded with clavate hairs in the upper part or each anther with 2 small papillose appendages at the base; anthers linear or oblong; ovary 3-celled, with several ovules in each cell.

Capsule 3-valved; style undivided; seeds black, globose or angular.

Distribution:  About 10 species in New Guinea, New Zealand, New Caledonia and mainly Australia.

Biology: No text

Taxonomic notes: As proposed by Payens (1957) Nova Guinea 8:388-91, Dichopogon is treated as a synonym.

Key to Species:
1. Flowers solitary (if a few flowers in pairs tuber subsessile).
2. Perianth 4-5 mm long; anthers without appendages
A. minus 3.
2. Perianth 9-12 mm long; anthers with appendages
A. strictum 4.
1. Flowers 2 or more in the axil of at least some bracts; tubers at the ends of the roots
3. Perianth 6-7 mm long; anthers without appendages
A. milleflorum 2.
3. Perianth 10-12 mm long; anthers with appendages
A. fimbriatum 1.

Author: Not yet available

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