Electronic Flora of South Australia
Electronic Flora of South Australia
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Electronic Flora of South Australia genus Fact Sheet

Family: Orchidaceae

Citation: R. Br., Prod. Fl. Nov. Holl. 321 (1810).

Derivation: Greek acies, a point; anthos, flower.

Synonymy: Not Applicable

Common name: None

Terrestrial glabrous herbs, with small rounded tubers; leaf solitary, immediately above the basal scarious sheath or higher up the stem, broadly ovate-cordate, entire, lobed or rarely deeply dissected.

Flowers resupinate, usually in a terminal raceme, occasionally solitary, on a scape or stem without scales above the leaf except the small bracts subtending the pedicels; dorsal sepal erect or incurved over the column, concave, not very broad and often produced into a fine point; lateral sepals narrow, spreading or upwardly curved; petals much shorter, reflexed or spreading; labellum sessile, undivided, spreading, with 2 basal calli or tubercles; column semiterete, incurved or inflexed, rarely winged; anther broad, erect, 2-celled, valvate; pollinia 4, granular or mealy, 2 masses in each cell, each pair connected to a separate disk of the rostellum, without a caudicle.

Distribution:  About 26 species in New Caledonia, New Guinea and Australia (4 species). 1 Australian species also occurs in New Zealand. Pollinated mainly by flies.

Biology: No text

Key to Species:
1. Sepals 20-30 mm long and filiform; leaf crenulate
A. caudatus 1.
1. Sepals 8-10 mm long, never filiform; leaf not crenulate
A. exsertus 2.

Author: Not yet available

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